Great NFT project (Study-and-Play) with bright potential
We see a lot of objects each day but we want to show it to you under other angle or better say – other magnification. We use Scanning electron microscope Jeol T220. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) uses electrons to create the image. The electron beam is scanned in a raster pattern across the surface of the sample, and the secondary electrons emitted are detected. When a cathode emits electrons under the application of a very high electric field. Although the sample preparation is not simple, the electron beam can cause degradation of biological material and therefore can be used for limited samples. For analysis, the sample is placed on stub and sputter coated with cooper before SEM examination. Coating is to acquire good results by providing a protective layer to the samples under high voltage. The images are captured after adjusting to the working distance and required magnification with help of the controller. We get black&white picture after it passed through developed by our team algorithm it become colorful.
Road Map
Research (research what people would like to sse)
First collection release
Community formation with internal nft drops
Marketing Campaign
Second collection release (exclusive drops)
Staking will be available
Third collection release
Alpha version of the gave release Microplanet v0.1a
Beta version of the gave release Microplanet v0.7b
Game release Microplanet v1.0
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